1. "Look Down"
'The Bishop'
'Valjean's Soliloquy'
'At The End Of The Day'
(The Royal Variety Performance 2010)
'one Day More'
https://youtu.be/IddP8AAIGTQ(10주년 기념 공연. 엘버트 홀)
'Do you hear the people sing' (korean subtitle)
'I Dreamed a Dream'(팡틴 Fantine)
(루시에 헨쉘 Ruthie Henshall, 10주년 기념 공연)(루시에 헨쉘 Ruthie Henshall, 10주년 기념 공연)
'IN My Life / A Heart Full Of Love' (마리우스&에포닌)
'on My Own' (에포닌 명장면)
(레아 살롱가 Lea Salonga, 10주년 기념 공연)
2012 극장판 Finale (엔딩 장면)
https://youtu.be/RtbcZmCc7rg(last song)
04. At The End Of The Day
(Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, The Factory Girls and Chorus)
At the end of the day you're another day older.
And that's all you can say for the life of the poor.
It's a struggle, it's a war.
And there's nothing that anyone's giving.
One more day standing about What is it for?
One day less to be living.
At the end of the day you're another day colder.
And the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chill.
And the righteous hurry past. They don't hear the little on es crying.
And the winter is coming on fast, ready to kill. One day nearer to dying.
At the end of the day there's another day dawning.
And the sun in the morning is waiting to rise.
Like the waves' crash on the sand.
Like a storm that'll break any second.
There's a hunger in the land.
There's a reckoning still to be reckoned and
there's gonna be hell to pay. At the end of the day!
At the end of the day you get nothing for nothing.
Sitting flat on your butt doesn't buy any bread.
There are children back at home
And the children have got to be fed.
And you're lucky to be in a job. (And in a bed.)
And we're counting our blessings.
Have you seen how the foreman is fuming today?
With his terrible breath and his wandering hands?
It's because little Fantine won't give him his way.
Take a look at his trousers, you'll see where he stands.
And the boss, he never knows
That the foreman is always in hest
If Fantine doesn't look out, Watch how she goes
She'll be out on the street!
At the end of the day it's another day over.
With enough in your pocket to last for a week.
Pay the landlord, pay the shop.
Keep on grafting as long as you're able.
Keep on grafting till you drop.
Or it's back to the crumbs off the table.
Well, you've got to pay your way At the end of the day.
And what have we here, little innocent sister?
Come on , Fantine, let's have all the news.
Dear Fantine, you must send us more money.
Your child needs a doctor, there's no time to lose.
Give that letter to me. It is none of your business.
With a husband at home and a bit on the side.
Is there anyone here who can swear before God.
She has nothing to fear, she has nothing to hide?
What is this fighting all about? Will someone tear these two apart?
This is a factory, not a circus. Now, come on , ladies, settle down.
I am the Mayor of this town. I run a business of repute
[To the foreman] I look to you to sort this out And be as patient as you can-
[FOREMAN] Now someone say how this began!
At the end of the day, She's the one who began it!
There's a kid that she's hiding In some little town
There's a man she has to pay
You can guess how she picks up the extra
You can bet she's earning her keep
Sleeping around And the boss wouldn't like it!
Yes it's true. there's a child. And the child is my daughter
And her father abandoned us Leaving us flat
Now she lives with an innkeeper man, And his wife
And I pay for the child. What's the matter with that?
At the end of the day, She'll be nothing but trouble.
And there's trouble for all. When there's trouble for one!
While we're earning our daily bread
She's the on e with her hands in the butter
You must send the slut away, Or we're all gonna end in the gutter
And it's us who'll have to pay, At the end of the day!
I might have known the bitch could bite. I might have known the cat had claws.
I might have guessed your little secret. Ah yes, the virtuous Fantine
who keeps herselfso pure and clean.
You'd be the cause, I had no doubt of any trouble hereabout.
You play a virgin in the light but need no urging in the night!
[GIRL] She's been laughing at you while she's having her men.
[WOMEN] She'll be nothing but trouble again and again.
[WOMEN] You must sack her today. Sack the girl today!
[FOREMAN] Right my girl. on your way!
<레 미제라블 musical numbers> <짙은 글씨는 하일라이트 넘버곡>
- "Look Down" (Prologue) - on Parole"
- 'The Bishop' - "Valjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven"
- "Valjean's Soliloquy"
- "At the End of the Day"
- "The Runaway Cart
- "Lovely Ladies"
- "I Dreamed a Dream"
- "Fantine's Arrest"
- "Who Am I?/The Trial"
- "Come to Me (Fantine's Death)'
- 'The Confrontation"
- "Castle on a Cloud"
- "Master of the House"
- "The Bargain/The Thénardier Waltz of Treachery"
- "Suddenly"
- "Stars"
- "Look Down" (Paris) https://youtu.be/jOLB0rEsrOU
- "The Robbery"
- "Javert's Intervention"
- "Éponine's Errand"
- "ABC Café/Red and Black"
- "Rue Plumet/In My Life"
- "A Heart Full of Love"
- "The Attack on Rue Plumet"
- on My Own"
- one Day More"
- "Do You Hear the People Sing?"
- "Building the Barricade (Upon These Stones)"
- "At the Barricade (Upon These Stones)"
- "Javert's Arrival"
- "Little People"
- "The First Attack"
- "A Little Fall of Rain"
- "Night of Anguish"
- "Drink with Me"
- "Bring Him Home"
- "Dawn of Anguish"
- "The Second Attack" (Death of Gavroche)
- "The Final Battle"
- "Javert's Suicide"
- "Turning"
- "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables"
- "Every Day"
- "Valjean's Confession"
- "Wedding Chorale"
- "Beggars at the Feast"
- "Valjean's Death"
- "Do You Hear the People Sing? [Reprise]"
<레 미제라블 하일라이트 넘버>
look down
the bishop
valjean's soliloquy
at the end of the day
i dreamed a dream
the conflontation
castle on a cloud
master of the house
abc cafe / red and black
in my life / a heart full of love
on my own
one day more
drink with me
bring him home
the final battle
empty chairs at empty table
'The Confrontation"
Valjean, at last, We see each other plain
장발장, 마침내 이렇게 분명다시 보게 되는군
`M'sieur le Mayor,' You wear a different chain!
고귀하신 시장님, 다른 족쇄를 차고 있었군
[장발장 Valjean]
Before you say another word, Javert, Before you chain me up like a slave again
Listen to me! There is something I must do. This woman leaves behind a suffering child
There is none but me who can intercede, In Mercy's name, three days are all I need
Then I'll return, I pledge my word, Then I'll return...
다른 말을 하기 전에, 자베르, 내게 다시 노예처럼 족쇄를 채우기 전에.
내 얘기를 들어보게, 내가 꼭 해야만 하는 일이 있네. 이 여자는 고통받는 아이를 남겨두고 떠났네
나 말고는 아무도 나설 수 있는 이가 없다네.
자비의 이름으로, 내가 필요한 모든건 단 3일이네. 그러고 나면 돌아오겠소, 내 맹세 하지. 꼭 돌아오겠소
※ <plain : 분명한, 숨김없는> <intercede : 탄원하다, 중재하다> <pledge : 약속, 서약, 맹세>
[자베르 Javert]
You must think me mad! I've hunted you across the years. 날 미친놈이라 생각하나보군. 수년 간 널 찾아 헤맸다.
Men like you can never change A man such as you. 너 같은 놈들은 절대로 변하지 않아, 너 같은 놈은.
[장발장 Valjean] Believe in me what you will 나를 믿어주시오, 당신은
[자베르 Javert] Men like you can never change' 너같은 놈들은 변하지 않아.
[장발장 Valjean]
There is a duty that I'm sworn to do. 내가 맹세한 해야할 책무가 있소.
<duty : 의무 책무>, <swear - swore - sworn : 맹세하다>
[자베르 Javert]Men like me can never change. 나같은 놈들도 결코 변하지 않아
[장발장 Valjean] You know nothing of my life. 당신은 내 인생에 대해 아무것도 모르오
[자베르 Javert]No. 2460. 알아, 죄수번호 24601
[장발장 Valjean] All I did was steal some bread. 난 단지 빵을 조금 훔쳤을 뿐이오
[자베르 Javert]My duty's to the law. 내 책무는 법을 따르는 것이다
[장발장 Valjean] You know nothing of the world. 세상에 대해 전혀 모르잖소
[자베르 Javert]you have no rights. 당신은 권리가 없어
[장발장 Valjean] You would sooner see me dead. 곧 내가 죽은 모습을 보게 될거요
[자베르 Javert] come with me, 24601
[장발장 Valjean] But not before I see this justice done. 하지만 이 정의가 실현되는 것을 보기 전엔 (가지 않겠소)
[자베르 Javert] Now the wheel has turned around. Jean Valjean is nothing now.
이제 운명의 바퀴는 방향을 바꾸었어. 장발장은 이제 아무것도 아니야
[장발장 Valjean] I am warning you Javert. 쟈베르, 경고하겠소.
자베르 Javert] Dare you talk to me of crime. 내게 그런 죄악의 말을 하다니
[장발장 Valjean] I'm a stronger man by fa. 난 그간 더욱 강해졌소
[자베르 Javert] And the price you had to pay. 죄값을 치뤄야만 할거다
[장발장 Valjean] There is power in me yet. 내겐 아직 힘이 있소
[자베르 Javert] Every man is born in sin. 모든 사람은 죄악 속에 태어나고
[장발장 Valjean] My race is not yet run. 내 삶은 아직 계속되고 있소
[자베르 Javert]
Every man must choose his way. You know nothing of Javert
I was born inside a jail, I was born with scum like you. I am from the gutter too!
모든 사람은 각자의 길을 택해야만 하지. 넌 나(자베르)에 대해 아무것도 모르지.
나는 감옥에서 태어났고, 너같은 쓰레기들과 함께 태어났다! 나도 시궁창에서 태어났단 말이다!
<gutter : 배수로>
"Master of the House"
Welcome, M'sieur Sit yourself down And meet the best Innkeeper in town
As for the rest All of 'em crooks Rooking their guests And cooking the books
Seldom do you see Honest men like me
A gent of good intent Who's content to be
Master of the house Doling out the charm Ready with a handshake And an open palm
Tells a saucy tale Makes a little stir Customers appreciate a bon-viveur
Glad to do a friend a favor Doesn't cost me to be nice
But nothing gets you nothing Everything has got a little price!
Master of the house Keeper of the zoo Ready to relieve 'em Of a sou or two
Watering the wine Making up the weight
Pickin' up their knick-knacks When they can't see straight
Everybody loves a landlord Everybody's busom friend
I do whatever pleases Jesus! Won't I bleed 'em in the end!
(Thenardier & Drinkers)
Master of the house Quick to catch yer eye Never wants a passerby To pass him by
Servant to the poor Butler to the great Comforter, philosopher, And lifelong mate!
Everybody's boon companion Everybody's chaperone
But lock up your valises. Jesus! Won't I skin you to the bone!
[To another new customer...]
Enter M'sieur Lay down your load Unlace your boots And rest from the road
This weighs a ton Travel's a curse But here we strive To lighten your purse
Here the goose is cooked, Here the fat is fried And nothing's overlooked Till I'm satisfied
Food beyond compare Food beyond belief Mix it in a mincer And pretend it's beef
Kidney of a horse Liver of a cat Filling up the sausages With this and that
Residents are more than welcome Bridal suite is occupied
Reasonable charges Plus some little extras on the side!
Charge 'em for the lice Extra for the mice Two percent for looking in the mirror twice
Here a little slice There a little cut Three percent for sleeping with the window shut
When it comes to fixing prices There are a lot of tricks he knows
How it all increases All those bits and pieces Jesus! It's amazing how it grows!
(Thenardier & Chorus)
Master of the house Quick to catch yer eye Never wants a passerby To pass him by
Servent to the poor Butler to the great Comforter, philosopher, And lifelong mate!
Everybody's boon companion Gives 'em everything he's got
Dirty bunch of geezers Jesus! What a sorry little lot!
(Mme. Thenardier)
I used to dream That I would meet a prince
But God Almighty, Have you seen what's happened since?
Master of the house? Isn't worth my spit! `Comforter, philosopher' and lifelong shit!
Cunning little brain Regular Voltaire Thinks he's quite a lover But there's not much there
What a cruel trick of nature Landed me with such a louse
God knows how I've lasted Living with this bastard in the house!
Master of the house! (Thenardier & Drinkers)
Master and a half! (Mme. Thenardier)
Comforter, philosopher (Thenardier & Drinkers)
Ah, don't make me laugh! (Mme. Thenardier)
Servant to the poor Butler to the great (Thenardier & Drinkers)
Hypocrite and toady And inebriate! (Mme. Thenardier)
Everybody bless the landlord! Everybody bless his spouse! (Thenardier & Drinkers)
Everybody raise a glass (Thenardier) All
Raise it up the master's arse (Mme. Thenardier)
Everybody raise a glass (Thenardier)
Raise it up the master's
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