
대선주자 사주룰이

코알라 아빠 2016. 12. 10. 16:33

자운 이한국

록히드 마틴사 관련

The next President of Republic of Korea should enforce drug law like Philippines President Duterte does. Make sure that Park Geun-hye and Choi Soon-sil and her clique have a medical check-up to see if they are cocaine addicts. And make a thorough investigation to see if Choi Soon-sil had smuggled narcotic drugs into Korea using diplomatic pouches from Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, etc.. Remember that THAAD is manufactured by Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin is owned by the Jesuit Order of Catholic Church. Search out who are--- in big business like Samsung, in NIS, in the Prosecution Service, in the Military--- graduates from the Jesuit University, So-Gang University. Park Geun-hye was trained at So-Gang University. Her baptism name is Juliana. Watch out for Archbishop Cardinal Yum and Monseigneurs dispatched from Vatican. The Knights of Malta are dark forces destructing the Republic of Korea. They should be dispelled from Korea for good.

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